Homeless moonlight

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Homeless moonlight



হুমায়ূন আহমেদ

I look at the sky once in the middle of every full moon

What is the moonlight to be homeless?

The girl is not the illusory moonlight.

In the moonlight, the girls will run along the roof railing and say-

Oh ma'am, what a beautiful moon!

Not even the newlyweds' moonlight.

Seeing the moonlight, the husband will say to his wife in a loud voice-

Look, the moon is as beautiful as your face!

Kajla is not the moonlight in Didi's dampness.

That moonlight flips the stale memorable dustbin into the sky.

Not the poet's moonlight. Seeing the moonlight, the poet will say-

What a wonder the moon is like a silver dish!

I am sitting for homeless moonlight like Siddhartha.

As soon as you see the moonlight, all the doors of the house will open-

A wide desert will enter the house.

I will walk in the desert, I will walk and I will walk-

The full moon will be fixed in the middle sky.

Various voices will call from all around - income income income.

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